Thursday, 20 May 2010

Christening Card

I made this Christening Card using my Forever Friends CDs! I also used it for the ABC letter 'T' challenge on Docrafts- "Text, Teddy and Tear"

I printed the spotty backing paper with the text printed on, then printed a blue background and tore round the edges (its not very clear on the picture!) and then used one of the ready made decoupages on the disc. It was the first time I'd cut my own decoupage rather than using die-cut so I was a bit nervous about it but I think it turned out ok!
This week I've also made Ryan's birthday card and my Dad's birthday card, both birthdays are tomorrow! I still have a lot to do though so I don't really have time to upload the pictures! I also need to make a card for my sister in law who's birthday is next Tuesday! May and June are very busy months!
Also, completely off topic, but awesome news today, we finally got a house! Moving day is 3rd June! And it has a huge cellar to store all my crafting goodies in! hehe
Hopefully I will get the pictures of Ryan and my Dad's cards up some time this weekend but it's going to be a busy one!
Hope you're enjoying the sun :)

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Forever Friends!

Well I finally got a (very exciting!) shiny new printer, meaning that I can finally do something with my Forever Friends CD's!

First project was to make Ryan's birthday invitations for his barbeque party next weekend!

So here is the result:
It took me quite a while to get it how I wanted, the images were easy to pick up and put on, but I had trouble getting the text to look right, and getting it all in the right place and the right colour, for some reason it decided to print some of the black green but I fixed it :D
Anyway, was dead easy other than the text so can't wait to get playing some more on it cos normally there won't be so much text so I won't have that problem!

Feel I could spend a lot of my time coming up making Forever Friends cards, which could prove detrimental to my uni work but its much more fun making cards than writing essays :)

Also, thanks for those of you who have commented, and those that are following me I hope I am following you too, I have tried but I keep getting confused and then can't find your blogs so fingers crossed I'm following you, but if not it's nothing personal and I will keep trying! I really appreciate it, thank you very much :)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Little Tweets

I made another card. After having zilch inspiration for a while I found Claire's Challenge on the DC website and came up with this:

It is a good luck with your exams and disertation/I know you can do it card for my best friend who is currently battling through her finals at Durham university and working very hard but has very little faith in herself!

I made it with stash I got from C&C a few weeks ago. It came last week and its so shiny and pretty but I had no idea what to do with it. I'm pretty impressed with it :)

I'm going to go and buy some stuff to make my Dad's/Ryan's birthday cards cos I have nothing for men/boys currently. My bank balance is not going to like me!